Monday, September 30, 2019

Nursing Diagnosis and Care Essay

1: Analyze Assessment Data: Based on the health history information, identify the following: A. Areas for focused assessment (30 points) Provide a brief overview of those areas of strength and weakness noted from Milestone 1: Health History. From the conversation with JAW on her medical history she is in denial about the occurrences that is happening in her life which is making her non-compliant about taking her medications as prescribed. It appears that taking her medications will make her an unfit mother in the presence of her children according to JAW. Being a hospital corpsman in the Navy she is well aware of the ramifications about taking medications especially the ones that will help her overcome these issues. B. Client’s strengths (30 points) Expand on areas identified as strengths related to the person’s overall health. Support your conclusions with data from the textbook. JAW is in good shape according to military regulations. She runs at least three times a week which is keeping her physically in shape thereby not subjecting her to hypertension, any cardiac diseases, or joint problems at the present. I asked JAW was she uncomfortable talking to me about her health history and the issues that are related to her and me being her best friend. Her health patterns are excellent compared to others because she does follow the rules and conforms to the Navy standards. She also watches what she consumes to  stay compliant with the nutritional needs as part of her physical fitness regimen. C. Areas of concern (30 points) Expand on areas previously identified as abnormal and those that place the person at a health risk. Support your observations with data from the textbook. JAW has anxiety and depression concerns. Her failed two marriages and raising her three children as a single mom are causing her some undue stress in her life and it could possibly lead to some bad decisions about her life choices. Stress can sometimes motivate or enhance a person performance and JAW chooses to run to help her escape what she is experiencing in her life. Fitness influences some qualities such as mental alertness and emotional stability because it is known that the body affects what it does to the mind. If she would take her medications as prescribed it could help her take control of the amount of bad or negative thoughts she may be having as far as her marriages and being a single parent. She has to be willing to verbalize that she has a problem and that she needs help which will be the first step to understanding what the underlying cause of her unresolved uncertainties is truly. D. Health teaching topics (30 points) Identify health education needs. Support your statements with facts from the Health History and information from your textbook. JAW does not have any pertinent health issues that require immediate attention but the issues that she does have can manifest into something major because she does have a diagnosis of anxiety and depression. The emotional reactions to stress may include difficulties sleeping, inability to concentrate, or in her case anxiety and depression. There are many support groups out there for JAW to join such as single parents and marriage counseling to name a few to help her overcome her problems. She can also schedule some sessions with a psychologist to talk through her problems and try and devise a plan to move forward with her life. At this point I would strongly suggest that she does seek some type of counseling because her masking the stress in her life will not help her cope. 2: Nursing Care Plan Next, plan your care based on your analysis of your assessment data: A. Diagnosis (30 points) Write one nursing diagnosis that reflects a priority need for this person. Remember a wellness diagnosis is a possibility. Ineffective individual coping related to situational crisis as evidence by anxiety, depression, and alteration in lifestyle. B. Plan (30 points) Write one goal and one measurable expected outcome related to your nursing diagnosis. Explain why this goal and outcome is a priority. Include cultural considerations for this client. Goal: JAW will verbalized the ability to cope effectively with anxiety by instituting three new stress-reducing skills by April 30, 2014. Outcome: JAW will be able to identify the stressful situations in her life and adjust changes suited for her and her children. African Americans are very hesitant to seek outside help to solve their problems because they are regarded as private people and JAW doesn’t want anyone to know that she feels might jeopardize her career. C. Intervention (30 points) Write as many nursing orders or nursing interventions that you need in order to achieve the outcome. Provide the rationale for each intervention listed. 1). Inter: Provide information regarding different ways to deal with the current situations that promote anxiety feelings and the feeling of being depressed. RAT: With this information it provides JAW an opportunity to learn new coping skills. 2). Inter: Teach importance on how to balance life. RAT: A life out of balance adds immensely to stress and anxiety. The changes affects adequate sleeping patterns, family time, quiet time, and overall enhancements of quality of living. 3). Inter: Refer to outside resources, including support groups, psychotherapy, and community recreation involvement. RAT: People have a tendency to benefit from the support of other people with similar problems and the resources available will help keep her life in balance and monitor her stress levels. 4). Inter: Encourage JAW to identify and verbalized feelings and perceptions. RAT: The process of identifying feelings that remain underlying and drive behaviors enables the clients to begin taking control of their lives. 5). Inter: Teach JAW the physiologic actions of taking antidepressants and how it alleviates symptoms of anxiety and depression. RAT: Many depressed people resist  taking medication because they fear becoming â€Å"addicted† to the drug. However antidepressants are not addictive drugs and providing her with the information about the drug’s physiologic action helps with adherence. D. Evaluation (30 points) You will not carry out your care plan so you cannot evaluate the effectiveness of your nursing interventions. Instead, comment on what you would look for in order to evaluate your effectiveness. I would inquire about rather JAW has started her medication regiment and if she has any questions in regards to how it will affect her as far as her family and her career. Did she make the time to seek a physiologist to help her and her family overcome these difficult times of being just the four of them and also a psychiatrist to continue to prescribe the necessary medications? JAW will be able to discuss 3 coping techniques that she utilizes to help her feel more in control over her current situation. She will also be able to share the support system of people she can talk to when she is faced with a crisis. The way she has adjusted to her new life will ensure that she has become compliant with the medication regime and have sought the appropriate to help her overcome these issues so she ca n move forward.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Salvation in Hinduism and Christianity

INTRODUCTION Salvation is a common belief for many religions despite the difference in their Supreme Being or Beings, which they seek deliverance from. In this research, a comparison between how salvation is viewed by Christians and Hindus will be examined so a conclusion can be formed. What is Christianity? Christianity is God’s revelation of himself and purpose to mankind. And his revelation was designed to bridge the gap between a rebellious world and a caring God. Christianity is found in most parts of the world, with in the region of one hundred million followers and could be the world’s largest religion.There are many branches of Christianity, namely Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican and Protestant churches. There are many Protestant Churches called denominations. They include Lutheran, Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Pentecostals and many others. Protestant churches stress the importance of reading and understanding the bible. The members of these de-nominations are called Christians. Christians are described as people who follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. Christian teaching is written in the bible, which is divided into two parts called the Old and New Testaments.The bible is also used by Christians during worship, and it serves as a guideline on how to live their lives. Christian Beliefs Christians has many beliefs, some of which will be mentioned below. Christians believe that the universe was fashioned by God. According to the scriptures God created the heaven and earth in six days, and rested on the seventh day. They also believe that it is wrong to act against God’s laws, for example; killing and stealing. Any action against God’s law is referred to as a sin. The bible teaches that Jesus, who was without sin, came to earth and sacrificed his life for the sins of the world.Christians believe in life after death, because Jesus was raised from the dead. They also believed that Eternal Life is a gift from God. Christians believe that there will be a judgment, when Jesus will judge the living and the dead. Christians believe in a God who offers salvation to all who wish to take it. But there is a cost, and that is for people to accept God as rulers over their lives, their thoughts, motivations and actions. What Jesus’ Death on the Cross means to Christian The most commonly used Christian symbol is the cross.The cross is also important because his death on the cross mended the broken relationship between God and humanity. Christians used the word atonement to describe Jesus’ death on the cross. They also believed that Jesus redeemed mankind when he died on the cross. He paid the price for their sins. Jesus Christ died in our place, so that we will not suffer eternal death but become partakers of the life that he offers, we should have paid the penalty of eternal death ourselves since, we are the guilty ones. But the Saviour was willing to take our place.That w as what happened at the cross. â€Å"The ordinance of the Lord’s Supper was given to commemorate the great deliverance as a result of the death of Christ. The Lord’s Supper is the Christian’s Passover. The bread is a symbol of his broken body and the wine signifies his spilt blood which is shed for many for the remission of sins. In scripture Paul wrote â€Å"For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord’s death till he come’ (1 Cor. 11:26). It is God’s grace that will bring about the change we need in our daily lives which will enable us to do â€Å"good† works.This race is free. It cannot be earned. It is undeserved favour from God. Satan is real, the battle is real, and only at the Cross was he defeated and his destruction made certain. Christian ways of Salvation Chris Wright in his book Beliefs, Questions and Issues stated that Christians are sometimes described as people who follow the teachings an d examples of Jesus Christ. They believed that by looking at Jesus, a person can see what God is like. Christians worship the Creator of heaven and earth the Father the son of God Jesus Christ, who is the Creator of all things.Most Christians believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ, to judge the living and dead. They believe that through Jesus’ death on the cross, salvation became possible as his death on the cross mended the broken relationship between God and humanity. This relationship was broken when humanity rebelled through sin against God. According to Oxford School Dictionary and thesaurus, salvation is the act of saving from loss or damage. This is a general view of the term. In the religion Christianity, salvation is saving souls from sin and its consequences.Salvation is achievable by first accepting that a mistake was made and so the feeling of sorrow and guilt is experienced. This is the act of repentance, the sin is then confessed, and the act of forgivenes s is desired. When this is done, the sinner’s desire is to forsake the sin. This is a combination of step two and three. The fourth step in the salvation process is justification. According to the book Growing in Christ, in justification the sinner is forgiven, acquitted of the charges of sin and reckoned righteousness. This act brings about the assurance of the believers acceptance. It also brings the joy of being united with God. † Sanctification is a result of true repentance and justification. The word sanctification means holiness or consecration which is a result of what God does in us. The blood of Christ for many Christians brings forth transformation. The believer becomes a new creation; the old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Why do Christians need Salvation and how is it Achieved Christians need salvation because of sin, which is the transgression of the law.The sin problem refers to the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, which brought to the earth the Great Controversary between good and evil. And it is God’s action to rescue his people from the destruction of sin, which brings about salvation. The consequence of sin is death. Human beings live their lives every day with the reality of sin and its effects. The effects of sin were so great that without a divine solution, there would be no solution. We should all be grateful that the solution was given. It is called â€Å"the plan of salvation† and its purpose is to solve the problem of sinOnly through Jesus Christ can one experience salvation, â€Å"for there is no other name under heaven given among men which we must be saved† Acts 4:12. The experience of salvation involves repentance, confession, forgiveness, justification and sanctification. Sins have to be confessed and repented of before it can be forgiven. Sin does not only have to do with wrongfully committed acts. It also includes the desire and fantasizing about things that we know are wrong. There is also a category of sin that usually referred to as â€Å"sins of omission. This is the willful neglect of duty; a conscious refusal to do something one knows ought to be done. As sinners who have violated God’s law, we can do nothing to make ourselves right with God. The only way to save us was for Jesus to pay the penalty in our stead and then offer us the perfect righteousness, which we claim by faith. We cannot earn our salvation; it is a gift of grace. The Origin of Hinduism Hinduism has its root in the interrelationship of two basic religious systems of the ancient civilization residing in the Indus Valley from the third millennium B. C. nd the religious beliefs brought to India by the Aryan people who began infiltrating the Indus Valley sometime after 2000 B. C. Most Hindus believe in one supreme Spirit, Brahman which is unchanging and eternal. He is also described as â€Å"Ultimate Reality† and the ‘Absolute’. Hindu s worship a total of three hundred and thirty three million deities. For Hindus, these gods and goddesses are different aspects of Brahman, however the trimurti which is made up of Braham, Vishnu, and Shiva. Together they represent and control creation, preservation and destruction. Hindu BeliefsFor Hindus, death is not the end but merely the separation of the soul from the body. They believe that the body dies and the soul continues its eternal journey. Hindus believe in re-incarnation that the soul is re-embodied according to the law of Karma. The cycle of death and re-incarnation continues many times. Their ultimate goal is to attain moksha. Hindus cremate their dead, since they believe that this releases the soul to continue its journey. Hindus believe that every thought and action has consequences. This is the law of Karma. The goal of Hindus is to achieve moksha that is, to be free from that cycle.To achieve moksha, it is important to follow the right path in life. The right p ath is called yoga. There are many forms namely: karma yoga is doing service for humanity; raj yoga is practicing self-control and meditation; bhakti yoga is the path of loving devotion; and jnana yoga is the path of knowledge and understanding through study and discipline. Hindus practice the spiritual exercises of meditation and yoga as ways to help them centre their thoughts on God. Hindu ways of Salvation In the religion of Hinduism, there are four aims of life.They are Dharma – the aim to carry out ones duty, Artha – the aim to make an honest living, Kama – the aim to enjoy the pleasures of life and Moksha – the aim to become free from the cycle of rebirth. In Hinduism salvation is known as the fourth aim of life Moksha. Moksha is when an enlightened human being is freed from the cycle of life and death (the endless cycle of death and reincarnation) and comes into a state of completeness. He then becomes one with God. There are four ways to Moksha: T he way of Action: This involves carrying our certain religious ceremonies, duties and rites.The objective is to perform works without regard for personal gain. The Way of Knowledge: This requires using your mind and philosophy to come to a complete comprehension of the universe The Way of Devotion: Salvation is reached through acts of worship, based upon the love for a God (there are thousands of gods in Hinduism). The Royal Road: The use of meditation and yoga techniques. This method of reaching salvation is typically only used by wondering monks. Each of these ways to salvation in Hinduism requires that a person do certain things. Salvation is through what a Hindu does.However, many Hindu believe that this salvation is only achievable by the caste system which is associated with reincarnation. According to Hindu teaching, there are four basic castes or social classes (and thousands of sub-groups within the castes). Each has its own rules and obligations pertaining to nearly all fa cet of life. At the top are the Brahmins or priests. Second in rank are the Kshatriyas or warriors and rulers. Third are the Vaisyas or merchants and farmers. Below these are the Shudras or laboring class. Salvation is possible only for the top three castes, which are called the â€Å"twice born. Outside the caste system are the untouchables or the outcastes. Though outlawed in India in the late 1940’s, many in the countryside are still considered outcastes. Conclusion Hindus are correct in their recognition that all is not right with the world and with human existence in it. They are correct as well in suggesting that the ultimate to the human dilemma is spiritual in nature. However, there is little common ground between Christianity and Hinduism. We will now look at a few more important areas. First Hinduism lacks any understanding that God created the world for a good purpose.Also lacking is a conception of God as infinitely holy and righteous and as the one to whom we as humans are accountable for the way we conduct our lives. Another area of contrast between Hinduism and Christianity is the conception of human nature and of the source of our estrangement from God. According to Hindu teaching, man is divine at the core of his being. He is one with God. According to the biblical teaching, however, the source of our alienation from God, is not ignorance of our divinity, but our sinful rebellion against God and his purpose for our lives.This now leads us to our final point—the way of salvation. According to most Hindu teaching, salvation from the cycle of reincarnation is achieved by our own efforts—whether through good works, meditation, or devotion to a deity. According to the Bible, however, our spiritual need is for deliverance from God’s judgment on our sin and for restoration to a life under his direction and care. This salvation can be provided only by God’s gracious and undeserved action in our behalf It is true tha t in certain Hindu groups there is a similar emphasis on God’s grace (probably as a result of past Christian influence).But even here, there is a major distinction. The Hindu teaching about grace sees no need for atonement for sin, but simply offers forgiveness without any satisfaction of the judgment on sin required by a holy God. In contrast, the Christian gospel is this: God the Son became human, died a sacrificial death on the cross, making real forgiveness of sins against the real God possible to those you place complete trust in Christ. All who do so can experience true forgiveness, know God and his purpose for their lives, and have the assurance of Eternal Life with Him.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Construction - Contemporary studies (sustainability, legislation, Essay

Construction - Contemporary studies (sustainability, legislation, built enviroment, protect plant and wildlife) - Essay Example Also, this would also help the public to understand the penalty applicable if any blatant violations of the regulations are made. European Commission in its sixth and the present action plan for the environmental management termed as â€Å"Environment : 2010 Our future Our Choice† has identified nature and the biodiversity as two priority areas that need to be given proper attention to ensure sustainable development in a region. In this connection various action plans in the form of regulations and community participative strategies are being formulated and put these ideas into practice. As builders and construction contractors are the most involved group with the nature and biodiversity , an awareness on the acts relating to the legislations and regulations would help the plan the development process without infringing the prevailing regulations and norms (Begon et al, 1996, Ratcliffe, 1977). The significant legislations by the UK government to manage construction while preserving the wildlife are as follows. This legislation is exclusive to England and Wales inorder to strengthen the protection given to Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and other wildlife locations. The duty of its strict enforcement is rested with the government ministers and officials of both England and Wales. This is the important legislation that has strong implication on construction contractors. It is now considered as criminal offence to disturb and damage those nesting birds and species which is protected under various schedules. The legislation have been brought into force for England and Wales inorder to protect various species of the trees. The local planning authority would place a order on the protection of certain trees or their group for the proper conservation of these biomass for the purpose of better living environment. This regulation is applicable in England and Wales and provides adequate protection to

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Romanesque churches And Gothic Cathedrals Period Essay

The Romanesque churches And Gothic Cathedrals Period - Essay Example In spite of the Gothic period coming after the Romanesque period, the two periods, however did not use similar elements in their architectural designs. The main ideology following the Romanesque churches and Gothic cathedral were the ideologies which were used in their construction. The age during the period was known as the middle ages and was synonymous with poverty. Due to the change in the way of life between these two periods, the architecture adopted also shared a number of similarities and differences. The ideology used in the construction of Romanesque architecture was based on centered on protection. An example is that during the period, monasteries served as shelters for relics and saints, hence the practices of the two groups serving as a basic purpose in the construction of different structures. On the contrary, architectural constructions adopted by the Gothic were big churches known as cathedrals. These buildings were designed with towers. The ideology behind such a des ign was to make the people believe further in a presence of an almighty being who were placed upwards towards divinity. The cathedral designed during the Gothic period was meant to symbolize the faith and dedication of the people towards their religion. Lastly, the spirituality practiced by individuals during the Gothic period was stronger as compared to individuals living during the Romanesque.The ideal majorly practiced during the middle ages period was one that was centered on classical background.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Global Financial Crisis Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Global Financial Crisis - Article Example On the other hand, the corporate sector faced critical conditions as money flow in the market reduced as a result of decreased consumer confidence. Another crucial set back was the increased job cuts in order to maintain the operational expenses. Most of the firms tried to counter the impact of global recession by reducing their activities and redesigning their business activities for facing the next boom period while others engaged in the new product or service development processes for keeping the consumers engaged with the business. In context of the current state of the recession, some economists believe that the after effects of the recession still exists but the US Government maintains that the current economic problems faced are not related to the global financial meltdown. The recommendations provided are to focus on new product and service development and also to develop the business network by forming alliances and partnerships with other relevant institutions. The study co ncluded that while the global financial crisis is considered to be over other economic problems being faced by the organisations and governments can be a sign that the phenomena still exists. The financial meltdown of 2007-08 is mostly referred to as the global financial crisis which has been termed by Gries and Naude (2011) and Crotty (2008) as one of the biggest economic and financial hits since the Great Depression of 1930s. Some of the key questions being debated in context of the global financial crisis of 2007-08 are regarding its origin, its influence and most importantly if the crisis is still looming or is it finally over. According to Pizam (2009), the global financial crisis mainly targeted the Western countries and effected their business segments as well as their customer groups. The challenges faced by the firms were related with their international as well as the domestic operations. Many big firms had collapsed during

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Property law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Property law - Essay Example Therefore, the valuer or surveyor’s only real obligation is to the truth, in that the appraisal must be accurate and not inflated. There are a number of factors that goes into this, as discussed below. Moreover, real estate agents and brokers also have a duty to the truth. This means that they, like the surveyors and valuers, must do extensive research before selling a house, and if they make a material omission or false statement of fact, they will be liable, and this liability is strict. This means that there is liability, regardless of whether the statement is innocent, negligent, reckless or intentional. Therefore, anybody in real estate has a duty to anybody who might be affected by their statements or appraisals, which means that anybody in real estate has the duty to do a thorough and diligent search before committing themselves to selling a house, in the case of real estate agents, or valuing a house, in the case of surveyors or valuers. Two Types of Liability The Prop erty Misdescriptions Act 1991 is an Act that governs many different types of ethical breaches a surveyor might encounter or commit. It states that, when a real estate professional makes a false or misleading statement during the course of a business transaction, the person who made the statement is guilty of an offence under this Act (Property Misrepresentations Act 1991 Â § 1(1)). The same goes for an employee – if an employee makes a false or misleading statement during the course of a business transaction, that employee can be guilty under the Act, whether or not the employer is involved with the breach (Property Misrepresentations Act 1991 Â § 1(2)). The misleading statement must also be material, not trivial, and this is judged by the perspective of the reasonable person (Property Misrepresentations Act 1991). Whether or not the statement is misleading is also judged from the perspective of a reasonable person (Property Misrepresentations Act 1991). Moreover, the Act i s one of strict liability, which means that any statement can be actionable, not just statements that are negligent, reckless or intentional (Property Misrepresentations Act 1991). Therefore, under the Property Misrepresentations Act, a real estate professional, any real estate professional, must be very careful with what they tell prospective buyers. Because the Act is one of strict liability, which means that a real estate professional can still be found guilty under this Act, even if that professional is not aware that the statement that he or she is making is false, that means that one of the major responsibilities that a real estate professional has is the duty to ensure that their statements are true and that there are no material omissions. This would mean that extensive research must be done during any transaction, including title searches, surveys, accurate property appraisals and the like. That said, surveyors may be at risk of negligence. According Murdoch (2005) surveyor s may be guilty of negligence when they do not use skill in preparing their reports and the homeowner relied upon the surveyor’s report (Murdoch, 2005, p. 1). Historically, however, the homeowner would not be able to recover damages from the surveyor, as there was no privity of contract between the homeowner and the surveyor. The privity of contra

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Designing for the Future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Designing for the Future - Essay Example According to Professor David Leon, epidemiologist of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, WHO (World Health Organisation) Health for All Database, and the Human Mortality Database, statistical analysis of the UK’s life expectancy and lifespan change is the research topic of relevant epidemiological studies. Mortality data reveals â€Å"†¦Britains are living longer than ever before. Average life expectancy has increased to eighty years old – eight years higher than the 1970s† (Leon, 2011, p. 1). The ageing population of Western Europe, including the UK, has experienced steady increases since the 1970s. â€Å"One reason for the increase and change in lifespan and life expectancy is the decline of deaths due to cardiovascular disease. However, there has been an increase in obesity† (Leon, 2011, p. 1) The Foresight Ageing Population Panel is a collaborative of the voices of the businesses, government, and the sciences that address the threats and opportunities that the UK may face over the next ten to twenty years. â€Å"Foresight is about being ready for the future. The future is shaped by the decisions we make today†¦we will encounter old age†¦it is important to be concerned. If we wait for the future to happen to us, the UK will miss out on opportunities for wealth creation and better quality of life† (Foresight Ageing Population Panel, 2000, p. 6). Over the span of thirty years, the UK’s population will change significantly. â€Å"The postwar baby boom generation will age first into middle age and then into older age. Rapid changes in lifespan and life expectancy of the ageing population means that successive generations of older people are living much longer† (p. 6). There are advantages in acknowledging the opportunities and challenges of changes in lifespan of the UK ageing population. By planning for demographic change of the population, economic, social,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Nutrition and Dietetics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Nutrition and Dietetics - Essay Example Among the most common lifestyle, medical complications associated to poor dietary include obesity, diabetes and ulcers among others. This implies that food is an important determinant of the spread and the ability of individuals to manage their medical histories. The dietary balance provides an effective means of eradicating some of the diseases. Nutritionists carry out extensive researches through which they determine the best foods and nutritious value in the foods thus influencing patients’ diet in order to fasten the healing process. The body requires adequate energy to facilitate such basic functions as respiration. After ensuring the provision of such basic amounts of energy to the body, the nutritionists thus engage in the discovery of nutritious content that influence the genes of the patients thus hastening the healing process. Nutrigenomics help nutritionists by providing the relationship between nutrients and the numerous diets. Effective research in the branch of n utritional genomics thus helps determine the most appropriate food for diverse medical conditions (Artemis, 2010). Study of genotype in the treatment approach to T1DM Genetics plays a role in T1DM . There is a genetic predisposition in the occurrence of the disease. This is related to Mendelian genetics where the expression of the genes is based on the dominant or the recessive ones. This is where the phenotypic expression of the genes or allele come into play in the treatment used or T1DM. In doing this, the treatment adopts an approach which looks for expressive genes for insulinase. Any defects noted in relation to this are then noted earlier for the adoption of the right lifestyle factors. All this is made possible y learning the genotype in terms of allele expression. Muller (2003) notes that adopting an approapriate risk free lifestyle should then be embraced. Insulin in the genotype of T1DM The absence of insulin in the body thus results in the increase of the blood sugar lev el as the glucose levels go unregulated. Diabetes mellitus is the most common diabetes. The causes of the disease vary with most being lifestyle complications. The study of genotype is fundamental in the treatment and prevention of the disease since among the most common causes includes the ingestion of more sugar. As stated earlier, Nutrigenomics is the study of the relationship between nutrients in the foods people eat and the structure of the cells. This makes Nutrigenomics integral in the formulation of effective dietary combinations to help mitigate the susceptibility of the form of diabetes. Researches have shown that the disease arises from numerous eating disorders, which Nutrigenomics can therefore help alleviate. Possible Solution to T1DM Currently, the above condition presents a challenge to the medical world. This is because the condition has no known therapeutic cure. In fact, the condition can only be managed administered insulin shots. However, the appropriate solutio n as presented by Brethauer (2013) would be to adopt an appropriate attitude and behavior in terms of nutrition as well as lifestyle. One should exercise frequently and avoid potential risks such as fatty and sugary foodstuffs. Limitations of the study of genotype in the treatment of T1DM However, Nutrigenomics has several limitations key among which is that it takes time. Unlike drugs that

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mid-Term Essay Essay Example for Free

Mid-Term Essay Essay This essay will focus on the influence family background and childhood memories have on writers and the theme of their writings. In both the essays chosen for detailed study here, we see how the authors’ philosophy of life and things that they chose to explore and write about was set way back in their childhood as a result of the traumas they faced. This paper will present an analysis of how the families of Sanders and Maduro shaped the way these authors understand themselves and relate to others. Scott Russell Sanders was the winner of the Mark Twain Award in 2009 and his work A Private History of Awe was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. Born in Memphis, Tennessee, to a family of cotton farmers, Sanders taught Literature and worked as Professor of English at Indiana University. The main vision behind his writing is the shift in cultures from a consumerist to a care-giving society (Sanders). In his essay, â€Å"Under the Influence: Paying the Price for my Father’s Booze†, Sanders had chronicled the trauma he and his siblings had to endure because of his father’s alcoholism. In this memoir Sander’s recounts the feelings of guilt, shame and helpless that he felt as a child of ten when he saw his father’s unstable and ferocious outbursts after getting drunk. He blamed himself for it and that feeling of guilt hounded him throughout his life. â€Å"I tell myself he drinks to ease [†¦] an ache I must have caused by disappointing him somehow† (Sanders). To atone for his perceived inadequacies as a child Sanders tried to turn to working hard and trying to keep the family together and taking on his father’s responsibilities, â€Å"by vainly seeking to erase through my efforts whatever drove him to drink† (Sanders). Sanders observes that his own children wonder at what drives him to be a â€Å"workaholic† and tries to allay their fears and any sense of guilt or pressure they may feel by being candid about his own feelings of guilt, hurt and shame at his father’s alcoholism. On maturity he realized that he had castigated himself needlessly as a child and that his father’s alcoholism was a disease and he had no reason to feel responsible for it. However, his fear of drinks and bad conduct that he had witnessed as a child had left a deep scar in his soul. He is reticent about going to pubs with his friends and drinking as much as he is afraid of causing hurt or disappointment to anybody. He is constantly watchful of any adverse reactions from people around him and still carries the shame of his father’s â€Å"sins† deep down inside him and shies away from having that facet of his life exposed in public. The name E. S. Maduro is a pseudonym under which the author talks about her feminist beliefs and her convictions on freedom of choice and awareness for women. She records how her own youthful feelings of rebellion against the social norms of marriage and raising children altered upon maturity but how she clung to her belief that women should have the awareness to make decisions for themselves. They should be allowed to choose their career paths according to their wishes and not be forced into stereotypical roles due to societal pressures. In the essay â€Å"Excuse Me While I Explode: My Mother, Myself, My Anger† the writer describes her feelings of anger, guilt and frustrations when she narrates the story of how her mother and women of that generation had to sacrifice their careers and all their life’s desires to accommodate their families and their duties as home makers and mothers. â€Å"Excuse Me While I Explode: My Mother, Myself, My Anger† first appeared in print as an article in a book entitled The Bitch in the House. In this article Maduro has written about her frustration at the inequality women face in society. It primarily deals with her angst at how she being a post-modern woman who was educated and liberated fell back and did the same things that she has found so loathsome in her mother. She had felt defiant at the way her mother and most women had to give-up their own dreams of a good and successful life to slave at household chores and raising children. â€Å"Years ago† a woman did not have a choice to voice her opinions and the role of housekeeper and dutiful mother was thrust upon her without so much as a thought about how she felt about it. Her toil was taken for granted and the spouse did not even think it inappropriate to allow his wife to do all the housework when he could very easily have offered to help. â€Å"I believed myself to be a feminist, and I vowed never to fall into the same trap of domestic boredom and servitude that I saw my mother as being fully entrenched in; never to settle for a life that was, as I saw it, lacking independence, authority, and respect† (Maduro 5). However, as she grew older and had her own experience of loving and living with her partner she was amazed that she followed the same pattern almost unconsciously and managed both house and work despite her partner wanting to help her with the chores. She puzzles over why this is so because she believed herself to be aware of her rights unlike her mother and in full command over her vocation and what she wanted out of life, yet she slaved at household chores: I feel an odd mixture of frustration and love. Together we have a wonderful, open, trusting relationship, but sometimes I wonder if the hostility already in me, and my need to be angry at someone or something, could eventually destroy our bond (Maduro 12). The article is an introspection of why she chose to do this. She comes up with the hypothesis that women chose to take on domestic responsibilities even if it meant forgoing some of their own desires because it made a woman proud to be an accomplished home maker and mother. She identified this need in a woman to excel in housekeeping as a source of pleasure and fulfillment. She reflects on the dichotomy between love and frustration, career and home, raising children and vocation and finally finds comfort in the fact that unlike her mother she was not forced into servitude. She did what she did because she wanted to do it, she had the option of turning away and that made a big difference. She is able to resolve her conflict and also that of many other women by reiterating that choosing to be a good housekeeper and mother was an option and you could choose to be one even if you felt strongly for the cause of feminism. Works Cited Maduro, E. S. â€Å"Excuse Me While I Explode: My Mother, Myself, My Anger†. The Bitch in the House. Cathy Hanauer. New York: Harper Collins, 2002. Print. Sanders, Russell Scott. â€Å"Under the Influence: Paying the Price for my Father’s Booze† Harpers Magazine Nov 1989: n. pag. Web. 2 Jun 2010.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Integration of the Grading System Essay Example for Free

Integration of the Grading System Essay I. Introduction Informatics Education Group, founded in 1983, has more than 600 colleges in 52 countries. It is a corporation dedicated to provide quality education to its students. It offers courses in higher education for corporate productivity and Business solutions. Informatics’ commitment to giving quality education encompasses all aspects from course design to student assessment or examination and staff training. This commitment to excel beyond customers’ expectations by providing quality services to its students has pushed the proponents to create a system that will help the school administration and faculty to produce accurate class cards and transcript of records for its students. With the increasing number of students in Informatics college manila also increases the workload of the school administration specifically the registrar’s department and faculty members. In order to provide a better service to the students, the proponents are motivated to create a system that will assist the school administration and faculty to minimize the time spent on managing, submitting and producing the grades of each student. Also, the purpose of the proponents in creating a grading system is to lessen the queue during enrolment with the help of a system that will assist the Informatics College Manila in releasing of the students’ grades. II. Background of the Study This study, which is fundamentally aimed at assisting the Registrar Department of Informatics College Manila, attempts to create a grading system with transcript database system that is integrated in the Informatics College Manila Enrolment System, providing an efficient way of serving the students during enrollment and releasing the grades. The proposed system shall lessen the laborious manual process in student grade assessment, releasing of transcript of records of graduate students and releasing of student class cards. Getting their official transcript of records would then be easy since the database of the grading system will be shared with the database of the transcript database system. The Registrar Department is the only department within the school is in charge of creating, accessing, and processing the releasing of grades and transcript of records. This department headed by the Registrar, who is in charge of supervising the processes. After of enrolling, the student can get there from the registrar. The processes for the grading system are as follows: (1) In the existing grading system, the lecturers will input all the grades of the students using Microsoft Excel, (2) The lecturers will submit the grades of all the students for that term, (3) The registrar will encode the submitted grades in the database for ease of access such as printing if the student wants to have a copy of their grades. Now when getting the transcript of records, the students must fill out the request form. Afterwards, the registrar will summarize the grades of the student who requested for a copy of the transcript of records. III. Statement of the Problem The Proponents would like to enhance the current enrollment system of Informatics College Manila. The proponents intend to include a grading system that would improve the current enrollment system. A. General Problem The Problem that the proponents of this study would like to address is to enhance the current Enrollment System of Informatics College Manila by including a grading system to have a better service to the Informatics College Manila students. B. Specific Problem The proponents have determined the following areas: 1. The workload of the registrar and lecturers are increasing resulting to deficiency in the students grades. 2. Preparing students’ academic records can be time consuming. 3. Retrieving old records of students who stopped for a long time can be difficult. 4. Releasing of grades during enrolment leads to a long queue. IV. Objective of the Study The proponents of this research have identified the following objective as checklist in the enhancement of Enrollment System by adding a grading system. * To have a grading system so that the students can rely on having an accurate grade and speed up the manual process of releasing the grades. * To build a monitoring system that can keep track of the submission of grades of each lecturer. * To improve the delivery of services especially the issuance of academic records like the transcript of records for those students who are requesting. * To develop an efficient and effective record-keeping and retrieval system of the student records. * To maintain and preserve the academic records of the students of the school. VI. Significance of the Study The Integrated Enrolment System and Student Grading with Transcript Database System will provide Informatics College Manila with a more accurate and timely way of giving out class cards and transcript of records of the students. The results of this study may prove beneficial and useful to the following individuals: REGISTRAR– the system will help him/her release the class cards and transcript of records with ease. This will also help him/her provide a better service to the students by lessening the queue during enrolment. ACADEMIC HEAD – this will assist him/her in compiling the students’ grades. LECTURERS – this project/system will help lecturers focus more on their lesson plan. This will also help them to submit the students’ grades on time. STUDENTS – this system will provide ease in getting their grades. The students will also be assured that their grades are accurate and are properly documented on the database. INFORMATICS COLLEGE MANILA – the system will provide the whole institution with a systematic way of handing out grades and transcript of records. FUTURE FIELD RESEARCHERS – the system may be helpful and useful in providing contribution to future researches. V. Scope and Limitation of the Study In this study, the proponents gathered information regarding the proposed system, which is a Grading System, if it is viable asset to the Administrators, Managers, Professors, and Students of Informatics College Manila in terms of its existing methodology and how it is organized. The study also aims to record all the grades of the students of informatics College Manila into a database. This will provide efficient access of grades for the registrar and an organized, accurate and timely submission of grades of the lecturers. The proposed system will serve as an enhancement of the current enrolment system of Informatics College Manila so that most of the students’ records will be consolidated into one database, keeping it organized and easy to manage. First, the super administrator or database administrator account, which will contain the features of: * Creating of new accounts

Friday, September 20, 2019

Data Prediction Strategy for ROSSMANN

Data Prediction Strategy for ROSSMANN Our task in this project is to predict 6 weeks daily sales for 1115 Rossmann stores located across Germany. Why is this important? This will help the stores maximize their profit by focusing on specific aspects to improve and help in inventory management to reduce operational costs. Missing data in Rossmann was identified initially. After fine tuning the data, we did some statistical analysis on it to explore the depth of data and find the major elements which are changing our values. We made sure that our results are not biased. Analysis such as Principle Component Analysis and Correlation Analysis has helped us know, in detail, about the data elements which are important to consider when predicting sales. We have validated the conclusions our group made in the previous presentation (exploratory analysis) about the data through the results of statistics. Many other conclusions can be drawn by just looking at the analysis in the following sections of this report. Furthermore, we did linear regression to see the relation between customers and sales. As expected sales increased linearly with the increase in the number of customers. However, it performed poorly for other variables due to the non-linearity of the data. In House Prices, there are a 79 factors over which we have to analyze the house prices. In order to first categorize the important factors influencing house prices, correlation analysis is done. Linear Regression and Step wise regression is also done to determine the important features for house prices in general, and in stepwise fashion. ANOVA was done for the neighborhood and house style to check whether the mean or individual house styles and neighborhoods was different or not. The standard hypothesis resulted false and it was displayed that individual neighborhoods and house-styles hold different average selling prices. The tests exhibited that 2.5 story houses were the priciest in house styles while 1 story houses were most popular. The NorthRidge neighborhood has the most expensive houses as per ANOVA, while North Ames comes out to be the most popular and one of the cheapest neighborhoods. Data prediction strategy for ROSSMANN (for next phase): To choose our prediction method for Rossmann we considered a number of factors. First being the size of the data. The Rossmann data is extremely dense with multiple variables. Second was which variables to use for prediction. For this we did a correlation analysis on minitab and found that customers, sales and promo were the most important hence we considered them. Third the data provides no customer information (just ids). Given the above factors we decided to use gradient boosting method for prediction (Jain, Menon, Chandra, n.d.). Although our model improves on accuracy the main tradeoffs are reduced speed and user interpretability. We will ignore the values for the days when the stores are closed to refine the prediction. Rossmann Data Statistical Analysis Strategy: Minitab was deployed to do statistical analysis such as Box Plot and Quantile Ranges, Histograms, Principle component analysis, Correlation analysis. Matlab was used to do linear regression of Sales Vs Customers. Statistical analysis was done to validate the hypothesis made in the Visualization Project and to explore the data in detail. House Price Data: Statistical Analysis Strategy: Minitab was used to do statistical analysis such as Stepwise Linear Regression, Correlation analysis, Residual Plots and Value Plots This report first covers the Rossmann Data exploration and then House Price exploration are presented. MISSING DATA: Table 1 shows the values of head to head analysis of data sets given in Rossmann. As shown, Store data in Test sheet is not covering the range of stores covered in Train. There are 11 records which does not give any information of whether those stores are open or they are closed. Figure 1 shows that there are clearly less number of days registered in year 2014 after the 27th week. The reason for this is the missing values of 180 store IDs from 27th week to 52nd week of 2014. Figure 1. Year wise trend of Data Registered Table 1 Head to Head Analysis of Data Sets Number of Unique Values Unique Values NA Value Quantity Field Name TRAIN TEST TRAIN TEST TRAIN TEST Store 1115 856 Day of Week 7 7 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Date 942 48 Sales 21734 Customers 4086 Open 2 2 1, 0 1, 0, NA 11 Promo 2 2 1,0 0 State Holiday 5 2 0, a, b, c 0, a School Holiday 2 2 1,0 1,0 Missing data set is assumed to be unrelated to actual values and may not be important. The data size is also smaller than the original data set, so ignoring the missing data will not lead to a biased result. Therefore, we considered missing data to be missing at random (Sazontyev Lim, n.d.). STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Quartile Ranges Customers Figure 2. Box Plot of Customers Sales Figure 3. Box Plot of Sales Histograms Figure 4 and Figure 5 shows that our data is slightly right skewed. The frequency of customers and frequency of sales are higher when their values are low. Figure 4. Histogram of Customers Figure 5. Histogram of Sales Principle Component Analysis Figure 6 shows the results of PCA in form of Scree Plot. We observe that the major effect on sales is due to customers (Component 1). Second influencing factor is the Number of stores which are open (Component 2). Promotions (Component 3) are influencing our sales but to a very low extent. We will also prove this via correlation analysis in coming sections. Figure 6. Scree plot of Train Data set Correlation Analysis Figure 7 shows the results of correlation analysis of the Rossmann Data. Cellular colors represent the intensity of correlations between the components. In the later sections, this correlation analysis is used to verify the results presented in visualization project. Following are the prominent correlations: Table 2 Major Correlation Results Positive Correlated Components Correlation Value Negative Correlated Components Correlation Value Customers Sales +0.895 Sales Days of week -0.462 Store Open Customers +0.617 Customers Days of week -0.386 Store Open Sales +0.678 Stores Open Days of Week -0.529 Promo Sales +0.452 Promo 2 Competition Distance -0.146 Promo Stores Open +0.295 Competition Distance Sales -0.027 Sales School Holidays +0.085 Promotions School Holidays -0.067 Correlation Matrices: VERIFICATION OF VISUALIZATION RESULTS: Claim 1: Sales decrease over the week. Statistics Confirmation: This claim is verified through the correlation analysis. Correlation results of Sales Vs Day of Week is -0.462 (Table 2 and Figure 7). Which clearly shows the negative correlation between these entities. Figure 8. Day wise sales trend Claim 2: Not much difference in sales when schools are open or close.Claim 3: There are more Promotions when schools are open. Statistical Confirmation: Correlation between Sales and School Holidays is +0.085 (Table 2 and Figure 7). As seen in Figure 9, sales when schools are closed is slightly greater than the sales when schools are open. This slight difference is proven by the small value of the correlation between these components. Also, there are more promotions when schools are open (Figure 9). This is confirmed by the negative correlation of -0.067 (Table 2 and Figure 7) between promotions and school holidays. Figure 9. Sales and Promo Comparison on School Holidays Claim 3: Sales increase with promotions but decreases with increase in competition distance. Statistical Confirmation: Promotions and Sales are positively correlated by +0.452 (Table 2 and Figure 7). This positive correlation can be seen in the claim we made in last project (Figure 10). Orange peaks are the sales when the promotions are there. And mostly they are above the blue peaks. However, from Figure 10, we also observe that with increase in competition distance, our sales decreases. And this is validated by the negative correlation of -0.027 between sales and competition distance. Figure 10. Sales Trend with Competition Distance Linear Regression Linear regression results in Figure 11 (obtained from Matlab) and Residual analysis results in Figure 12 (obtained from Minitab) show how sales is regressing with respect to the customers. The R2 value obtained is 0.8, which depicts that our linear regression is close to the data. Linear regression equation and regression coefficients is shown below: B1 = 8.5238 à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   regression coefficient/slope b1 = 1.077 and b2 = 0.0074 à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Regression Equation (y = 1.077 + 0.0074x) R2 = 0.8005 Figure 11. Linear Regression Figure 12. Residual Plot STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Regression Analysis à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Regression Equation SalePrice = -323176 200.5 MSSubClass 116.1 LotFrontage + 0.545 LotArea + 18697 OverallQual + 5227 OverallCond + 317.0 YearBuilt + 120.6 YearRemodAdd + 31.60 MasVnrArea + 17.39 BsmtFinSF1 + 8.36 BsmtFinSF2 + 5.01 BsmtUnfSF + 45.91 1stFlrSF + 46.68 2ndFlrSF + 34.2 LowQualFinSF + 8980 BsmtFullBath + 2490 BsmtHalfBath + 5390 FullBath 1119 HalfBath 10233 BedroomAbvGr 21931 KitchenAbvGr + 5440 TotRmsAbvGrd + 4375 Fireplaces 49.1 GarageYrBlt + 16788 GarageCars + 6.5 GarageArea + 21.5 WoodDeckSF 2.3 OpenPorchSF + 7.2 EnclosedPorch + 34.6 3SsnPorch + 58.0 ScreenPorch 61.3 PoolArea 3.85 MiscVal 224 MoSold 254 YrSold à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Regression Equation (STEPWISE) SalePrice = -714877 202.0 MSSubClass 106.7 LotFrontage + 0.545 LotArea + 18858 OverallQual + 6073 OverallCond + 326.0 YearBuilt + 31.29 MasVnrArea + 11.93 BsmtFinSF1 + 5.72 TotalBsmtSF + 46.77 GrLivArea + 9245 BsmtFullBath + 6171 FullBath 10759 BedroomAbvGr 22330 KitchenAbvGr + 5290 TotRmsAbvGrd + 4065 Fireplaces + 18107 GarageCars + 21.04 WoodDeckSF + 53.0 ScreenPorch 59.7 PoolArea Correlation Analysis SalePrice MSSubClass LotFrontage LotArea OverallQual MSSubClass -0.084 0.001 LotFrontage 0.352 -0.386 0.000 0.000 LotArea 0.264 -0.140 0.426 0.000 0.000 0.000 OverallQual 0.791 0.033 0.252 0.106 0.000 0.213 0.000 0.000 OverallCond -0.078 -0.059 -0.059 -0.006 -0.092 0.003 0.023 0.040 0.830 0.000 YearBuilt 0.523 0.028 0.123 0.014 0.572 0.000 0.288 0.000 0.587 0.000 YearRemodAdd 0.507 0.041 0.089 0.014 0.551 0.000 0.121 0.002 0.599 0.000 MasVnrArea 0.477 0.023 0.193 0.104 0.412 0.000 0.382 0.000 0.000 0.000 BsmtFinSF1 0.386 -0.070 0.234 0.214 0.240 0.000 0.008 0.000 0.000 0.000 BsmtFinSF2 -0.011 -0.066 0.050 0.111 -0.059 0.664 0.012 0.084 0.000 0.024 BsmtUnfSF 0.214 -0.141 0.133 -0.003 0.308 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.920 0.000 TotalBsmtSF 0.614 -0.239 0.392 0.261 0.538 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1stFlrSF 0.606 -0.252 0.457 0.299 0.476 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2ndFlrSF 0.319 0.308 0.080 0.051 0.295 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.051 0.000 LowQualFinSF -0.026 0.046 0.038 0.005 -0.030 0.328 0.076 0.183 0.855 0.245 GrLivArea 0.709 0.075 0.403 0.263 0.593 0.000 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000 BsmtFullBath 0.227 0.003 0.101 0.158 0.111 0.000 0.894 0.000 0.000 0.000 BsmtHalfBath -0.017 -0.002 -0.007 0.048 -0.040 0.520 0.929 0.802 0.066 0.125 FullBath 0.561 0.132 0.199 0.126 0.551 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 HalfBath 0.284 0.177 0.054 0.014 0.273 0.000 0.000 0.064 0.586 0.000 BedroomAbvGr 0.168 -0.023 0.263 0.120 0.102 0.000 0.371 0.000 0.000 0.000 KitchenAbvGr -0.136 0.282 -0.006 -0.018 -0.184 0.000 0.000 0.834 0.497 0.000 TotRmsAbvGrd 0.534 0.040 0.352 0.190 0.427 0.000 0.123 0.000 0.000 0.000 Fireplaces 0.467 -0.046 0.267 0.271 0.397 0.000 0.082 0.000 0.000 0.000 GarageYrBlt 0.486 0.085 0.070 -0.025 0.548 0.000 0.002 0.018 0.355 0.000 GarageCars 0.640 -0.040 0.286 0.155 0.601 0.000 0.126 0.000 0.000 0.000 GarageArea 0.623 -0.099 0.345 0.180 0.562 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 WoodDeckSF 0.324 -0.013 0.089 0.172 0.239 0.000 0.631 0.002 0.000 0.000 OpenPorchSF 0.316 -0.006 0.152 0.085 0.309 0.000 0.816 0.000 0.001 0.000 EnclosedPorch -0.129 -0.012 0.011 -0.018 -0.114 0.000 0.646 0.711 0.484 0.000 3SsnPorch 0.045 -0.044 0.070 0.020 0.030 0.089 0.094 0.015 0.436 0.246 ScreenPorch 0.111 -0.026 0.041 0.043 0.065 0.000 0.320 0.152 0.099 0.013 PoolArea 0.092 0.008 0.206 0.078 0.065 0.000 0.752 0.000 0.003 0.013 MiscVal -0.021 -0.008 0.003 0.038 -0.031 0.418 0.769 0.907 0.146 0.230 MoSold

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Economics and the Environment :: Sustainable Growth Essays

Mainstream economic thought of the 20th century was dominated by the principle of ‘more is better’, this thinking is dangerously misguided. Concentrating on maximizing real GNP has been brought about by economists who are working on the assumption that growth is always justified, because of the infinite wants of the population. These economists also see growth as a solution to the problems of the world today. Even those who propose ‘sustainable growth’ are false in that they assume that it is possible to continue with the growth of the last two centuries. Some of the fallacies being put forth are growth as a solution to pollution, â€Å"trickle down† effect of growth needed to help the poor, and technological salvation. They feel the exponential growth of the present can continue as long as technology can keep up, and that resource efficiency can grow indefinitely so as to stabilize resource flow. By analyzing these arguments we can see their contra dictory tendencies and show that by prioritizing ‘growth’ alone, the global economy and its participants will be worse off. First, there is a natural response to the word growth. It being a sense of advancement or betterment, this is not always the case. The notion of growth must always carry with it a concept of maturity. Growing beyond it would give rise to problems. For example, when a baby grows its parents are pleased and even show off to their friends at every inch and pound. However, imagine that the baby continued to grow infinitely! The parents would be concerned to say the least. The baby would outgrow its house parents and everything else it depends on for growth. Common sense tells us that there is reasonable level at which everything must grow, beyond which it is considered detrimental to itself and its surroundings. Our economy is a subset of the ecosystem we live in, and must grow to proportions that are reasonable to it. It definitely cannot continue to grow outside of it, nor should it grow to a point where it is harmful to the ecosystem. The economy being dependent upon the ecosystem mu st adhere itself to achieving a state of compatibility with environment. Logic follows then, what is the optimal level of economic output? How do we decide what level should be maintained. We certainly cannot use the standard of the average american. In order to get that, we would have to increase the world economy by a multiple of seven! As it stands now human being use up a little more than a fourth of the worlds net primary product of photosynthesis.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Athens :: Geography Greece Papers

Athens Problems with format Three interesting sites in Athens include the Olympieion, Roman Market, and Hadrian?s library.? The emperor Hadrian[1] played an important role in the history and construction of all three of these sites, lending his name to parts of the various structures.? All three sites are located within close proximity of each other, and serve as examples of the vibrant, changing, and extensive history of the city of Athens.? The architectural styles are also definitive of the many different artistic and cultural eras these monuments have endured. Olympieion The Olympieion is also called the Kolonnes or the Temple of the Olympian Zeus, and according to tradition, it dates back to the time of the mythical Deucalion, according to Pausanias, and is connected to ancient cosmogonies.[2]? According to other ancient sources, this ancient temple was also associated with the early cults of Zeus?hence the name.? Construction of the Temple of the Olympian Zeus began in approximately 515 BCE by Peisistratos the Younger, but it was not finished due to the ?fall of tyranny in Athens.?[3]? Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the king of Syria, tried to resume the construction around 174 BCE, and it was finally finished under Hadrian (who was intrigued by Greek art and culture) in 124-125 CE.[4]? The rectangular-based temple stands 250 meters long by 130 meters wide, making it one of the largest temples in the ancient world, though as Frommer?s remarks, ?it may be more appealing as a ruin than it ever was as a contender for the title ?mother of all temples.[5]? Nevertheless, this temple, one of seven wonders of the ancient world,[6] is the largest temple in Greece, and the largest temple built in the Corinthian[7] style of architecture.? Originally, the structure probably consisted of about 104 to 108 columns (there is disagreement among sources), however today only 16 remain.? Of those 16, only 15 remain standing, as one was struck by lightning in 1852.[8]? These large columns stand 17.25 meters high and have diameters of approximately 1.7 meters.? The gate to the temple was built by Hadrian in 131 CE and functioned as a triumphal arch.? The inscriptions found here are also interesting parts of Hadrian's arch.? On the northeast side (the side facing the Acropolis), the inscr iption reads, ?This is Athens, the ancient city of Theseus. On the southeast side, however, there is a different, contrary inscription that reads, ?This is the city of Hadrian and not Theseus.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Chocolate History Essay

All chocolate starts with a seed called a cocoa bean that is grown on a small tree. Many countries in Central and South America produce cocoa beans. The history of chocolate starts in Latin America, where the cocoa bean was first discovered about 2,000 years ago on a tropical tree. The first people recognized to have used these beans to make any kind of chocolate were the Maya’s. They called it the kakawa bean, which is where the origin of the world chocolate began. They most often used the bean to make a spicy, foamy drink. Later, the Aztecs discovered the cocoa bean. Eventually this was introduced in Europe after the Spaniards came to Central America. When the Spaniards began experimenting with the bean, they began to add other spices to it, such as cinnamon and sugar, to give the chocolate a sweeter taste. Soon, the rest of Europe started drinking it and it became a popular drink that only the rich could afford. In the 1600’s the first chocolate house was opened and this flavor was able to reach the mouths of many other people. In the early 1800’s, solid chocolate was created. It became more affordable to everyone and throughout time more recipes were experimented with, creating many different types of chocolate. There are many different types of chocolate such as White, Dark (bittersweet), Milk, Semi-Sweet and even Baking Chocolate (unsweetened). White chocolate isn’t really considered chocolate because it has no cocoa solids in it, it is made of the fat from the cocoa beans known as cocoa butter. White chocolate has a creamy consistency and taste. It lacks flavor because it contains no chocolate liquor which gives chocolate the bitter strong chocolate flavor. White chocolate is not normally used in cooking unless it is a replacement for dark or milk chocolate. It is used mainly for decorating. Dark chocolate is the healthiest type of chocolate. This chocolate contains a large amount of disease-fighting flavonoids, anti-oxidants also found in red wine and lots of different fruit and vegetables. Its anti-oxidants can significantly improve blood pressure, prevent blood clots, slow the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol making it less likely to stick to artery walls and also reduce inflammation. Eating dark chocolate can also lower insulin resistance, the main problem behind diabetes. Milk chocolate does not contain as much chocolate liquor as dark chocolate, which gives it a softer chocolate flavor. This chocolate is much sweeter than any other. It is the most popular type of chocolate. Milk chocolate is more difficult to temper properly and more prone to overheating which would make it thick and lumpy if it comes into contact with water. Milk chocolate can be used in pretty much anything you want to be sweet. The difference between regular chocolate and baking chocolate is baking chocolate has less sugar and no fat and its bitter while regular chocolate is sweet and sugary. Tempering means improving the consistency, durability or hardness of a substance by heating and cooling it. Tempering is done by melting solid chocolate to a temperature high enough that the crystals in the cocoa butter break down. Once the chocolate is fully melted, it must be cooled to about 82F, a temperature at which crystals will start to form again so that the chocolate can eventually re-solidify. The chocolate’s temperature is then raised back to about 90F, where it is very smooth and can be poured into chocolate molds and used for other things. White, milk and dark chocolate can be tempered. Tempered chocolate is very glossy, has a firm finish and melts smoothly at around body temperature. Chocolate that has not been tempered or that has been improperly tempered will look flat or discolored. Tempering can be done in 2 ways by hand, or through a process called seeding. Tempering by hand can be done by tabliering where melted chocolate is poured onto a cool marble surface and worked with spatulas until it has cooled down sufficiently. More melted chocolate is added back and incorporated in to the tabliered chocolate to bring it back to the final working temperature. Through the process of seeding, chocolate is melted and a small amount of finely chopped solid chocolate is added into the melted chocolate and stirred in. Adding solid chocolate will lower the temperature of the melted chocolate and it will start to temper the melted chocolate. When it comes to baking, chocolate does not need to be tempered because it is being incorporated into another form. Tempering chocolate is good for dipping foods, for a more clean finish.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Power of Love Essay

We all need love to be able to be connected to others. The more connected you are to a person the more that you are healthier and love is very essential for life, mind, heart, and it is oxygen to the brain. It is important to have love in life. We grow to love others because if comes from within and from our hearts. We need to love to survive to feel the need to belong to someone. Frequently people grow accustomed to each other when they have love in their lives. Frequently, people encounter situations in their environment in which it is impossible to not be with another person when they are in love and feel a bond between each other. It is therefore of great importance for one’s attention and process to be connected to each other through love. I believe love is something that sweeps us off our feet that takes our breath away with that someone special and that special feeling that is shared between two people. It is something that we all need. Love to me is a flower, a word, a song a note something special between two people emotionally. Love is like the best medicine for anything. but many of our ideas about it are wrong. The less love you have, the more depressed you are likely to feel. (By Ellen McGrath, published on December 01, 2002 – last reviewed on March 30, 2009) I have learned that when people are depressed it is because they don’t love themselves and therefore they can’t love anyone else. It is sad to think that so many of us in today’s society are really very sadly depressed and that we feel we have to have someone in our life and that we miss interpret lonely it to love. I have done this before where I have been depressed and have had someone in my life and thought it was love and it was not. I guess when I didn’t love myself, I was not sure how to signal out the two or how to differentiate. Being depressed can attract you to someone, and it totally can be the wrong person for us. What attracts us to another person is there character, personality, Their smile their vulnerability and how they treat us and draw us close to them. We are less likely to befriend someone from another culture because it is more interesting due to other cultures backgrounds, accents. We choose others from other cultures than our own culture because it isn’t new anymore and it is of the same likes as our own. The attribution of attraction is they include. In our textbooks we read about Proximity and that is how our friends lived close to us as we grew up and how the friendships developed over the length of time. Friendship developed (Nahemow & Lawton, 1975). We all know that friendships grow after getting to know someone, and this closeness becomes very easy to win over and turn into a relationship. Just like when we go to school we have classes together and we sit among each other and of course that will develop into making more friends if not relationships and then start making closer bonds with friends. Then there is association where we tend to express our opinions about other people and share our insights with others. We also share similarities and we sometimes associate that with attractiveness and likeness which is something two people share that can result in bonding between two people that share the same qualities. (Neimeyer & Mitchell, 1988) Then we simply tend to like those who like us back or are similar to what we are like. It is a great sense of feeling when you know that you are interacting with someone that is a lot like yourself and that that person likes you back and that you both get a long that you don’t have to pretend to be someone else and that you both get along exceptionally well. We feel good when we are around somebody. We tend to report a higher level of attraction toward that person (Forgas, 1992; Zajonc & McIntosh, 1992) Physical attraction plays a role in who we care to be friends with. Even though that sometimes doesn’t mean that we may be attracted to that person or that we choose that person to be with it is just an attraction that happens between two people who have very similar likes. We can’t help who we are attracted to and who we end up with. It isn’t something we plan it is something that just happens. Opposites attract and that sometimes can bring two people phys ically closer in a relationship than a friendship. Sometimes attractive people attract other attractive people and sometimes attraction has nothing to do with looks what so ever. It is just a mutual or physical bonding that brings two people together. Sometimes a tall person may be attracted to a person who is a short person. A skinny person can be with a heavy person. Attraction isn’t about money, wealth, fame, or young, old or anything like that. It is a feeling that two people share no matter the circumstances and it is the way things are. The human need to build bonds in a relationship is because as human nature we just want to belong to someone. We have basic needs just as an infant needs their mother to carry them, hold them and nurture them so do we. As we get older we need someone to hold us and care for us and tell us that things are going to be okay. It provides stability, security, It totally assist in growth between two people. Just like anything in life we need the use of water, shelter and warmth and we need to be able to have some form of survival in our lives. We need that comfort and that love and that closeness that we feel only one person can give to us. That is what we need to be able to have that human bond in life. Yes we do have an innate to belong of course most definitely because we all want love and we all want to be loved and we all want to love back. We all fear being alone as we grow older and we all fear that everyone will leave us one day and it is a very scary feeling. Many people tend to h ave panic attacks just knowing that they will be alone and that is very depressing. From the very beginning of life In my opinion and in my own life ,I would have to say that loneliness is a very sad feeling and it is a feeling of emotion of being disconnected from society from family, from life in general. It is like when you feel the loss of a loved one that has been in your life for many years and they are no longer around you sense loneliness all around you feel like you have lost your best friend and you feel so isolated and you can be around friends and family all day long and you can feel good on the outside and yet still be dying on the inside with anxiety and panic worrying that you are alone that nobody cares. It is obvious that humans have an innate need to feel connected. We are social beings with many needs and a want and need to belong. Robert Sternberg’s theory he explained the differences of love and that they consisted of three different kind of loves: he des cribed intimacy as a need for emotional connection which is shared between two people who have desire for each other and share intimate feelings. Then he shared passion as he explained passion, he expressed it as a sexual attraction that was a motivational drive that was shared between two people who had such a desire for one another and passion he described as two people who had very deep attractiveness for each other. To me consummated love is between a husband and a wife in a committed union. and that is as Robert Sternberg said it is a thoughtful part of love; it involves first deciding one is â€Å"in love,† which, over time, develops into a lasting commitment to a relationship or person. (Nevid & Rathus, 2005) Romantic love to me is a love that is where you hold hands and you get butterflies. Where intimacy is involved even it is it is not a committed relationship but it is shared between to physically drawn individuals. Romantic lovers look at each other through â€Å"rose colored glasses† not seeing each other’s flaws. (Nevid & Rathus, 2005) Empty love to me is a love where two people are married and yet aren’t in love with one another anymore but they stay together because of security and emotional ties and years have been invested. They stay together for fear of being alone and they deal with each other because it’s out of respect. (Nevid & Rathus, 2005) in today’s society so many people can relate to this sort of love because so many people remain together for their children not realizing that staying together is making the children miserable and that eventually they will grow up and leave the nest making their own lives elsewhere. I think this is such a sad love. Infatuation is a relationship based on passion, with no intimacy or commitment. Infatuation is characterized by passionate attraction on sight, and an example of such would be a one night stand. (Nevid & Rathus, 2005) Why do so many people want to stay together and ruin their lives in an empty love relationship? Th ey don’t realize that by being honest with themselves they could start a new with someone else and be totally happy. Today so many men have affairs in an empty love relationship even if they are secure, have fear and stay together because of finances and obligations. Why can’t we all just be happy and be with the one person that makes us the happiest. I know this feeling all too well and I chose to walk away from an empty love. Free to be happy, Free to independent, free to be free and not with someone out of obligation. It is sad to be with someone who you don’t desire or love anymore. It is not right to make someone stay with you just because you have been together for so long. I longed to be desired and loved and wanted and needed with someone who truly loved me and was willing to make a commitment and give themselves to me entirely. I chose to be with someone who I am in love with and who has my heart. Not someone I feel an obligation or duty to at all. That is like saying, If I wanted a maid, I would have married a maid.â€Å" But I married a partner, A best friend, my soul mate my companion and my everything. That to me is a genuine love and so many people don’t know what they are looking for in life and it’s the saddest thing if you ask me. References: Referred By Ellen McGrath, published on December 01, 2002 – last reviewed on March 30, 2009 http://panicdisorder.about

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Michael Caine Essay

The Oscar winning British actor Michael Caine was born in 1933 at Bermondsey in London. He did not come from a theatrical family. His father was a porter at the Billingsgate fish market. His mother was a charlady (cleaning lady). His real name was Maurice Joseph Micklewhite. Young Maurice was evacuated from his home during the German World war II Blitz. He was placed in a home for 6 weeks where he was badly mistreated. He was beaten and poorly fed. At times he was locked in a cupboard. Finally his mother rescued him and throttled the lady who had mistreated him. The family expected Maurice to follow in his father’s footsteps, but he had other plans. He had early, if non-professional experiences with acting. At the age of 3 years on a regular basis he would have to convince the rent collector that â€Å"Mummy’s out†, while she hid behind the front door coaxing him. Family Michael did not come from a theatrical family. His father was a porter at the Billingsgate fish market. His mother was a charlady (cleaning lady). Michael’s father liked to gamble. His mother worked as a cleaning lady to give her sons a better life. Brothers Maurice grew up with his brother Stanley. The boys had an older brother, David, who was born with epilepsy. He was institutionalized as a baby. It was widely assumed in the 1920s that epilepsy was a form of mental illness which was untreatable. Their mother kept David’s existence a secret until her dying days. Childhood The Oscar winning British actor Michael Caine was born in 1933 at Bermondsey in London. His real name was Maurice Joseph Micklewhite. The family expected Maurice to follow in his father’s footsteps, but he had other plans. He had early, if non-professional experiences with acting. At the age of 3 years on a regular basis he would have to convince the rent collector that â€Å"Mummy’s out†, while she hid behind the front door coaxing him. World War II Evacuation Young Maurice was 6 years old when war was declared with Germany. He and brother Stanley were evacuated from his home during the German World war II Blitz. He was placed in a home for 6 weeks where he was badly mistreated. He was beaten and poorly fed. At times he was locked in a cupboard. Finally his mother rescued him and throttled the lady who had mistreated him. His mother was later evacuated as well. Education After the Blitz, Michael attended Wilson’s Grammar School, an academically selective secondary school. It was located in Peckham, close to where Last Orders was filmed. He did not like school and left at age 16. A Methodist minister introduced him to amateur theatricals which he did enjoy at school. Military Service He entered the army as a private after a few years of low-paying jobs. He was stationed in Korea and did not like the army either. Family Caine married one of his rep co-stars, Patricia Haines. The two had a daughter, Nikki, before divorcing. Caine later married Shakira Caine (nee Baksh) in 1973, Thy have two children: Dominique and Natasha. Career Caine has become a major film star, appealing to both men and women in his wide range of films. He is a versatile and very hard-working actor. His film career was launched by playing gritty working-class roles. The first was Alfie (1966) in which he played a womanizing Cockney in swinging London. Then came a trilogy of spy movies which were big successes. He played Len Deighton’s bespectacled agent, Harry Palmer, in Ipcress File, Funeral in Berlin, and The Billion Dollar Brain. He received Oscar nominations as Best Actor for Alfie, Sleuth and Educating Rita, he has won two Best Supporting Actor awards: for Hannah and her Sisters and The Cider House Rules. One film critic claims that Caine’s poor background caused him to take on a variety of roles in poor movies just to keep on working. Films Caine’s best remembered films are probably: Ipcress File, Zulu, Mr. Destiny, A Bridge Too Far, Miss Congeniality, Last Orders, The Man Who Would Be King, The Muppet Christmas Carol, Sleuth, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, and Hannah and Her Sisters. Interestingly in Zulu he plays a dilated aristocratic British officer, quite a stretch from his background. The portrayal was right on, at least with American audiences. I’m less sure about British audiences. Sources Caine, Michael. What’s It All About (1992)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

My Life Essay

Above anything else, I still think that the most ambiguous term, concept, and thing in the world aside from its existence is life. A person’s life can be the most difficult thing to describe, to define, to expound, and to measure. It will always be very challenging for an individual to summarize his of her entire life in nothing but words that do not even measure up to life’s vague beauty, wonders, and mysteries. But in the very best way that I can, combining everything I learned from writing, recounting history, and expressing my thoughts, I shall try to tell you what and how my life is so far. I will choose to tell how my life was in the past, what it is like now, and how I envision it to become in the future in my own tone and perspective. Simplicity is a very relative and subjective term. Some would associate this term with peace and serenity, but I would rather connect it with the ideas of non-extravagant beauty and non-chaotic momentum. And so, I would rather call my life a simple one in this sense. As for my childhood, I realized that this phase is not a completely natural incident and event which happens to everyone. In one way or another, and at least in my own life, I have come to understand that having a childhood is also partly an individual choice that people have to make. More importantly, having a happy childhood is the greater choice which people have to decide on whether they would have it or not. With regard to my own, I chose having a childhood and a worthwhile one. Twenty-three years ago, I cried meaningfully on the [insert date of birth; ex: 25th of December, 1986] which told my parents that I am already existing as a person. Throughout my entire childhood, I cried for various reasons — whenever I got hurt, got disappointed, felt sad, felt annoyed, and felt overwhelmingly happy. All these cries, my life proved, are part of growing up. In my life’s context, these things made me realize that I am but a human being who feels and learns to express what he feels whenever he feels the need for it. Growing up in Turkey, I can say that my past is as colorful and vibrant as my country. My mind never ran out of iridescent and crazy ideas when I was going through my primary and secondary levels of education. I think I owe to my parents the considerable amount of effort they had to sacrifice in order to give me and my one and only sister the kind of education which we can both be proud of. My heart never skipped a beat as it vigorously lived with the glorious days of my childhood and adolescent years when I felt like I was the most powerful and liberated man that God has ever created. In a nutshell, my childhood is something I would always want to reminisce over and over again. And so, I rekindle that vibrant feeling every now and then, especially now that I write this chronicle of my life. Excellence and being well-molded never fascinated me until my parents, together with my mentors at the previous schools that I attended, injected into my consciousness the significance of education to an individual’s betterment. I think that it safe to say that generally, young people dislike going to school very much; however, it was during those days, when I was on the verge of hating school, when I started to realize that education is actually the strongest foundation I could ever have that will equip me with the skills and knowledge to become a competent person in the future. As an average person who grew up with his parents in Istanbul, Turkey and who is still spending his days as a university student under the custody of his parents, I can say that I now have a considerably complete idea of what being a well-molded individual is like. Upon seeing and knowing successful people around me, I have to realize that all their authority, wealth, honor, valor come from a sufficient amount of education and dedication to it. But for me, aside from this, one thing which also aids in creating a well-molded individual in each person is his or her choice of submitting and staying under the guidance of his of her parents, for no parent shall wish for his or her child to go astray. And so, I chose to stay aligned with my parents’ guidance and proved to myself that indeed, parents have the innate ability to know the best and only the best for their children. I have never learned and realized the power of material things. I may have become fascinated with some, but one of the most amazing and valuable things I have learned in my life is that most of the things that can actually give true happiness to people are the intangible things that money cannot purchase in anyway. In several instances, I have also experienced the most typical emotional and psychological milestones that a human being goes through in life. As I entered adulthood, I have realized the value of true friendship and the value of having a special person caring for me. I have also been able to go through several rites of passage that defined my membership to the so called â€Å"in-circles† in my youth. Many times I fell hard and stood up again, never surrendering to the most miserable heartbreaks yet the most meaningful lessons that I can consider indispensable for the rest of my life. Truly, no material form of wealth and luxury can ever compare to the most special things that I regard as my greatest achievements in my life so far; and these include my self-dignity, the seemingly everlasting friendship that I share with my peers, the love I constantly receive from the people around me, and the bright future that shines ahead of me in this point of my life. I chose to value these intangible treasures that will last longer than me and than the ones that will fade after I passed. Yet, no matter how colorful or pleasant my writing will turn out to be, I also believe that life is not always a bed of roses. For several instances, I have received harsh criticisms from people who tried to judge me from a far and tried to measure me as a person without knowing me completely. I have faced several failures that brought me serious humiliation and deep self-disappointment. I also have failed to live up to other people’s expectations a number of times. At one point, I thought these falls were bound to identify and label me as an individual and as a man. But my hopes, aspirations, and visions inside of me that have been kept hidden behind these failures always manage to float above everything else and take over my consciousness. Thus, I chose to believe that I as an individual can only be judged and measured according to how strong and triumphant I succeeded after a fall and not by how hard I fell flat on the ground. I chose to tell you this tale of my life in my endeavor to give myself a hint on how I would want to envision myself in the future. If there is one thing this chronicle has taught me and made me understand about myself, it is that my life is truly made up of great choices, and each choice is a fruit of a trial-and-error process of learning. Right now, the life of being a university student is giving me all the positive thoughts of what my life ahead would become. I could be successful like today’s powerful and affluent people, yes I can say, but I would choose to follow this tale and make a success story of my own, keeping in mind all the vibrant memories I have had from my childhood, all the valuable lectures my parents and my mentors taught me, the inspiration that my sister, my friends, and loved ones gave me, and the indispensable lessons my failures made me realize. Most especially, I would choose to remember my own ambiguous yet insightful definition of what my life is right now and what it will be tomorrow. Thus, I would still choose, and in the future, I know there will still be more choices to make, but I guess that is what life is to me basically — a never-ending ball of choices which define who we are.

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Essay INCIDENCE Breast Cancer Essay is the most common malignancy among women and has the highest fatality rate of all cancers affecting this sex. It is the leading cause of death among women aged 35-54. In 1999 an estimated 175,000 women were diagnosed with breast cancer. That is one woman every three minutes. At the same time 43,000 will die, at the rate of one every two minutes. The incidence of men diagnosed with breast cancer is rare, however it does occur. Approximately 1,300 men a year are diagnosed, and 400 die annually due to the disease. A total of 75% of all breast cancers occur in women with no known risk factors. 80% of breast cancers occur in women aged 50 and up. The mortality rate would decrease if every woman over 50 was informed and followed guidelines. When confined to the breast, the survival rate is 95%. Studies have shown that more white women than black women get breast cancer, however more black women die of breast cancer because they are not diagnosed at an early stage. SIGNS AND SYMPTONS Most breast cancers appear as a slowly growing, painless mass, though a vague discomfort may be present. Physical signs include a retracted nipple, bleeding from the nipple, distorted areola or breast contour, skin dimpling over the lesion, attachment of the mass to surrounding tissues including the underlying fascia and overlying skin, and enlarged lymph nodes. In most advanced stages of the disease the skin nodules with ultimate breakdown and ulcer formation may be seen. Metastases should be sought immediately so that further spread will not be a factor. Among the common sites of metastases are the lungs and pleura, the skeleton (specifically the spine, pelvis, and skull), and the liver. Whenever possible, distant spread of the disease should be confirmed by a lymph nose biopsy, by x-ray, or by liver and bone scans using radioactive isotopes. WHO IS AT RISK? All women and men are at risk of getting breast cancer. However personal history with family members having breast cancer adds an increase to the risk factor. Contradictory to this though studies have shown that 75% of breast cancer occurs in women with no history and no known risk factors. Not ever having children, or having ones first child after 30 yrs., also increases the risk of breast cancer in women. Heavy alcohol abuse is a risk factor as well. Studies have also shown that women who began menstruation early, twelve years or less, and women who began menopause late, fifty-five years plus, also have a greater risk of breast cancer. PREVENTION There are three ways to attempt to detect prevention, however since there is no cure, one cannot determine what actions to take to prevent. The most common technique for early detection is by a regular doctors examination. The second technique at detecting breast cancer is by a breast self-examination (BSE), and lastly, by mammogram. BSE should begin when a woman is eighteen or older, so that the breast is fully developed. During the BSE women should begin to learn what is normal and what is not in their breasts. Mammography is the best method at detecting breast cancer. A woman should have a mammogram when she is 40 yrs. old, and then one every two years until she is 50 yrs. old. Once a woman is 50 yrs. old she should have a mammogram annually because as ones age increases, so does the risk of getting breast cancer. Many women also need to be educated about the risks of breast cancer and how to detect it early. The majority of women with breast cancer do not know about the fortunateness of detecting breast cancer early, never mind follow the detection guidelines. TREATMENT Therapy depends mainly on the extent of the disease and the patients age. If there is evidence of wider metastasic spread, treatment will be palliative. This means that treatment will lessen the severity of pain, however it will not cure. READ: Israel Economy Essay When there is no evidence of spread, the treatment of choice is total mastectomy and modified radical mastectomy. This is an entire or partial removal of the affected breast. In the best circumstances, the 10 yr. .

Friday, September 13, 2019

Making a Managment decision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Making a Managment decision - Essay Example In such a scenario the performance appraisal tool, if it has been done in a proper manner, could be of significant use in arriving at the right Employees in an organization comprise the human asset of the organization and needs to be managed with as much or greater care than the other assets of the organization. Many a time this aspect of employees is neglected by managers leading to faulty decisions in their appraisals and thereby leading to discontentment. For any performance appraisal to be effective it is necessary that those being appraised understand the standards required of them and against which they re being assessed. This has twin benefits in that the employee understands the process and accepts the managers decisions better an also can then set themselves to try and achieve the standards. Performance appraisals are used quite often just to assist managers in making salary raise decisions. This is likely to affect the regularity of the use of performance appraisals and its utility as a performance enhancing tool. Performance appraisal decisions are quite often found to be subjective and not objective. An example of this is that it is quite likely that the decision of he manager is affected by a single good or bad job done by an employee and fails to see the quality of the rest of the work done over the period. Top down performance appraisal decisions have the risk of being looked as being thrust upon the concerned individual and utilizing peer to peer and upward assessments to encourage greater acceptance among employees provides for better harmony. (Murray, Joanne. Effective Performance Reviews. A Step-by-Step Plan to Make Them More Meaningful). One of the ways of eliminating the likely disregard for the human asset value in an organization by managers is to train them on the value of it and ascertain the success of the