Friday, August 23, 2019

It is not good to make friends relying on the social networking Annotated Bibliography

It is not good to make friends relying on the social networking - Annotated Bibliography Example Their irresistible need to chat and connect with their friends and peers makes use of this site all-consuming. To other students using facebook, there is often a false sense of privacy whereby students post embarrassing, denigrating, hurtful and humiliating content in text, videos and photos. The journal indicates that nothing is private online, especially in the social networks. Students have been expelled from schools; others have been sued and denied admission to intern programs all because of the content they post in their â€Å"private† facebook accounts. It is therefore, not advisable to make friends relying on the social networks because of the widely recognized negative effects it has, example, hacking of accounts, stalking people, being involved with several unknown people as well as getting deprived of the real life. Maria Kalpidou is the head of psychology department of the Assumption College. This article is a copyright of Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking is the property of Mary Ann Liebert. According to Kalpidou et al., online social networking sites have achieved popularity among students of the college. Creation of facebook has revolutionized social behaviors and networking practices among the college students. In literature, the average amount of time spent on facebook ranges from one hour to two hours daily. Since it appears to be the preferred approach to networking among students of the college, little research has been done on its relationship with psychological well-being. Kalpidou et al. investigated the relationship between facebook and social adjustment, as well as a negative relationship between facebook, emotional adjustment and self-esteem among the first year and upper class students. After the examination, first year students were found to spend more time on facebook and had strong emotional connection as they reported fewer friends than the upper class students did. It was evident that the number of

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